Becca Strom

Becca Strom
My name is Becca Strom and I am a wife, mother, business owner, proud coaches wife and an avid Boston Celtics fan! I love all things home and talking about homeownership as it is a huge passion of mine. My family includes my husband Jordan, my ten year old daughter and nine year old son. In our house you will find me making almost all the things from scratch due to severe food allergies being present in our home and I enjoy every moment of it! Something about providing my family a home cooked meal each day brings me great joy. In my free time you will find me baking cookies for the basketball boys, reading, running or enjoy time with my family.

How to Set Goals and Achieve Them

It can be hard to believe that the beginning of another new year is here and moving with full steam ahead. It is said that 44 percent of Americans try to start some new...

How to Simplify your Holidays

As a mom you know all to well that the holidays are magical and we manage all the things for our people. But often, the to-do lists of activities, festive food to be made,...