Nicole Wainwright

Nicole Wainwright
I am a Kansas native and an optometrist by career but my best job is being mother of three to Austin, 10, Adam, 6, and Adley, 1. After finishing optometry school in Houston with my husband, Kyle, we settled in Manhattan and practice optometry at Wainwright Eye Care. I also own MHK Fitness along with my husband, we work really well together getting business and kids taken care of. Outside of work, I can often found at many youth activities. We enjoy taking trips as a family, I often plan and coordinate those details. I start each day with a made at home latte and often ask our kids each morning what they're grateful for! I am looking forward to this community group and brining moms together, MHK is great!

Common Questions Answered about Kid’s Eye Health

Taking care of your kid's eyes starts in the first year! As an optometrist and mom, there are several questions that I am always asked. I'm going to answer the most common ones you...
kids on airplane

Tips for Flying with Kids

The thought of taking your children with you on a trip, let alone navigating the airport, can be overwhelming. Here are a few tips for flying with kids that might help ease your mind...