How to Vote in Kansas

I voted stickers

Voting is an important action for U.S. citizens. But, navigating the process can sometimes be confusing. Check out this post for information about how and when to vote in Kansas, and where to find nonpartisan information about the candidates on your ballot.

The best resource for all your questions about voting in Kansas is the Kansas Secretary of State Website, especially their FAQs section.

Preparing to Vote in Kansas

Check Your Registration

  • The 2024 deadline to register to vote in the general election was October 15.
  • You can check your registration here.

See Your Sample Ballot and Research Candidates

  • The Voter Network gives Kansas voters a nonpartisan, comprehensive look at the candidates and issues that will appear on their ballots.
  • Vote 411 is a nonpartisan website run by the League of Women Voters.

Make Sure You Have the Right ID

Acceptable forms of ID per the Kansas Secretary of State website:

  • Driver’s license or ID card issued by Kansas or another state
  • U.S. Passport
  • U.S. Military ID
  • ID card issued by a Native American tribe
  • Employee badge or ID issued by a government office
  • Student ID card from an accredited postsecondary education institution in Kansas
  • Concealed carry license issued by Kansas or another state
  • Public assistance ID card issued by a government office

Ways to Vote in Kansas

Vote by Mail

  • Anyone can vote by mail but you must submit an application to receive that ballot. Your completed application must be received at the Election Office before 5 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to the election. Request early to avoid mail delays!
  • Your completed ballot may be delivered in person to the Election Office by 7 p.m. on Election Day, delivered in person to any polling place in Riley County on Election Day or mailed and postmarked by Election Day. If postmarked by the Election Day it must be received by the Friday after the election for it to be eligible to count.  Ballots may not be faxed.
  • Voter View is a helpful website where you can confirm that your ballot was received.

Advance In Person Voting

November 4 is the last day to vote early in person.

Voting In Person on Election Day- November 5

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Sarah McGinnity
Sarah is owner of Manhattan Moms and is passionate about encouraging and connecting moms - we weren't meant to do this alone! She grew up in Manhattan graduated from Manhattan High and K-State, worked for newspapers and for several marketing departments, and eventually got her master's in public administration. Sarah and her husband, Shea, have four kids - Henry (12), Clark (9), Lucy (7) and Caroline (1). She enjoys reading historical fiction, beating her kids at board games and traveling as often as possible.


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