Sarah McGinnity

Sarah McGinnity
Sarah is owner of Manhattan Moms and is passionate about encouraging and connecting moms - we weren't meant to do this alone! She grew up in Manhattan graduated from Manhattan High and K-State, worked for newspapers and for several marketing departments, and eventually got her master's in public administration. Sarah and her husband, Shea, have four kids - Henry (12), Clark (9), Lucy (7) and Caroline (1). She enjoys reading historical fiction, beating her kids at board games and traveling as often as possible.
box piled with donations of used clothing

Where to Donate Your Stuff in Manhattan, KS

As you're cleaning out closets and decluttering, there are many places in the Manhattan area that accept donations to help our fellow community members. Check out this list for top places to donate your...

5 Tips for Big Family Travel

We are a family that loves to travel and dedicate a lot of our budget and time to this passion. But as our family has grown, travel has gotten a bit trickier and a...
kids at birthday party with sunglasses

Kid Birthday Party Venues in Manhattan

Looking for a fun birthday party where someone else does most of the work?! Check out these birthday party venues in Manhattan where you can focus on celebrating your birthday kid. Evolution Training Center -...

Explore Bluemont Scenic Overlook in Manhattan

The Manhattan letters are iconic in Manhattan, Kansas, but the Bluemont Scenic Overlook gives you a chance to explore the sign up close. The scenic overlook is off Ehlers Road, and offers impressive views...